10th July 2015 / by James Busby / Anatomy 360, Blog / 48 comments
To the best of our knowledge, these are the worlds first 100% accurate printed anatomy reference models. Our 3D scanning research and development has resulted in a system capable of capturing humans in motion, in any pose, in a fraction of a second. Combine this with 3D printing and we have something very special. These […]
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3D printed anatomy in motion
10th July 2015 / by James Busby / Anatomy 360, Blog / 48 comments
To the best of our knowledge, these are the worlds first 100% accurate printed anatomy reference models. Our 3D scanning research and development has resulted in a system capable of capturing humans in motion, in any pose, in a fraction of a second. Combine this with 3D printing and we have something very special. These […]
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