Anatomy in Motion

We are able to capture at a very low frame rate approximately 2 – 3 frames per second, . The Gif images below show a simple torso rendered using lightwave (Not realtime) this only consists of 3 frames but clearly demonstrates the potential of capturing in this way. Great for the study of muscle groups through a range of motion. Expect a real time version of this soon..

1B 1

Torso1 Torso2 Torso3 Torso4




  • This is awesome, correct shoulder deformation is a problem. It’s great to have reference like this in 3d to compare against. Searching through images of different muscle men in less than ideal poses can be tiring. It would be cool to see an animation of these 3 scans morph from one to another. Good work, Keep it coming!

    • Thanks Mike yea its a great way of visualising it without having to guess with photos.. there are actually about 7 scans in this sequence so I could look at doing a super smooth morph between them..

  • Will the final version have the possibility to rotate the model and change the light like the first (not animated) test model? It is useful as it is, no doubt about it. But to have the rotate and light options will make it even easier to adapt it to special project needs.

  • Francis Bezooyen /

    Awesome! This is very exciting to see!

  • When I drew a shoulders there was always a specific way I structured them because of a still model. I just now realized that I’ve drawing it all wrong and it blew my mind!

    So far from a 2D view point I don’t see any problems and a previous commenter already asked my question.

    I really can’t wait.

  • That’s great reference, thank you! Looking forward to future developments.

  • Hey guys! I just checked this. This is seriously MINDBLOWING!!!! To think that someone finally had the guts to take this step forward and develop such an intuitive, user-friendly software that allows the most in-depth anatomical studies I’ve honestly ever witnessed. Much better than any book out there! I fully support this! You guys have hit such a sweet spot. (Y)

  • Do you plan to scan some people breathing? I don’t know if there is much to see but if it does that could be interesting to have this reference.

  • This is so great! Is there somewhere written a description of the planned goals for this product? Will there be subscription, out-right purchase? Will you be doing cloth draping, extension and contraction stress on muscle groups etc? Very exciting work you’re doing.

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